Women's March Pop-Up at Golden Gems

On January 3rd, 29 year old Bronx-born Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez became the youngest congresswoman in history. For this monumental occasion, Ocasio-Cortez donned all white to pay homage to the suffragists who paved the way for women’s rights. In honor of Congresswomen AOC and all of the fearless women who fought for my rights, I’ve pulled some of my favorite winter whites to bring to the St. Louis Women’s March Poster Making Pop-Up at Golden Gems with Butterlove by LC! Come out and mingle with a badass crowd of ladies, make your poster for the St. Louis Women’s March, and support local women-owned businesses. ✊

January 18th
at Golden Gems on Cherokee St


May's Night Market - Spring Edition


Interview w/ Whiskey Mornings